No discounts. No cashback. Say hello to Store Credit rewards.

Reward your customers for paying by Fam and helping you save on payment processing costs. What's even better, these rewards help drive more repeat sales.

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Why Store Credit Rewards are better

Incentivise use of free payments at zero upfront cost

Incentivise your customers to pay with a free payment method, without any upfront cost.

Annual savings: 2-6%

No chargebacks, no fraud

Safeguard an additional 0.60% of your annual revenue with zero chargebacks, or fraud like CNP.

Additional savings: 0.60%

No false declines

There are no false declines with Open Banking payments. This unlocks an additional 3% in revenue that was previously lost.

Even more savings: 3%

Daily payouts

Get access to your revenue 5x faster than card payments, and zero additional fees or hidden charges.

Access to funds: 5x faster